Dec 14, 2022Liked by David A. Bell

Perhaps John Mearsheimer gets it right when he says that the goal of Russia is to “wreck” Ukraine.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by David A. Bell

Your points here and elsewhere about the spuriousness of the "genoicidation" (to coin an awkward term) of the Vendee atrocities/war crimes have totally persuaded me. Sounds like a French species of the right-wing, "oh us poor persecuted Catholics" kind of rhetorical maneuver of the sort Samuel Alito keeps putting out there....

At least in Putin's rhetoric, however, he really seems intent in wiping out any idea of an Ukrainian identity or people distinct from Russia.

Indeed, he denies that the national category "Ukrainian" even exists. I'm not quite sure what sort of rubric a program of erasing a national group out of existence belongs under. Genocide-adjacent?

And on what basis can you be sure that "Russians today know perfectly well that they do not have the capacity to exterminate the Ukrainian people." I wouldn't be so sure or categorical in making that statement. It seems quite possible to me that some number of brainwashed Putinistas in the armed forces DO believe just that!

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