I missed you by a week! Did you get to the BN Richelieu site, all renewed and shiny? And yes, Paris is a series of restaurants - La Coupole, l'As du Fallafal ...- with a few monuments, libraries, and a river with which to walk off the meals.

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Missed Richelieu this time but will be back on sabbatical next year and look forward to seeing it.

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I remember a pension just like that….with a table napkin rack with a slot for each pensionnaire’s napkin (woe betide you if you took somone else’s)…do they still exist? I guess not?

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Hi there, what a beautiful piece! I found it by chance when I was also writing my own (just got back from Paris myself). I have asked my readers to please go read your text. Loved it, thank you!


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Sadly, as of when I visited last October, Nos Ancêtres les Gaulois, was closed for business. Not sure what happened, but I would have liked to eat there.

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Merci, j'ai beaucoup aimé ca. Quels souvenirs! Je reviendra en parler :).

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